Labels:box | bulletin board | crt screen | earth | fountain | person | plant | road | shelf | sidewalk | sky | tree | window OCR: 0 AMIRC 1 Dialog with stomi 0 AMIRC.1: Dialoo with.rem danneo@ey gnus Host/Hane rem@rvikisnerntis (ren Whois Ping Ran Aws unset) DCCChai DCC Send hmm AmIRC is for free it might in the future but rot nov wha is6 PML mean AmIRC does not COS cnything i'PD GU n the other hanri tho cort you want egister andlater on in tre future AmIRC might be shareware tut I den't think 30 NCk Tirne CnRlHosi User @RobV @Schrade Add EillGay EWT A1000 Chocky Cygnu TO ZVCO nor a.nexthig ro has Joned this channel dONaDI TmD thinks QBTools is best greena TmD still got that info hart Kerla green X 1x y ps]pos sibly Part zyco (zyco@ nig. .ro)has left this channel LighWare TmD Creebo Wel savedit but vhoni trie touse the avngit claims that mY MrC dilf have the same nunrber of blockaomy settings weird mUSE new ...